Sunday, May 31, 2009

i love it

its lovely to have a puppy like that.
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清晨,打给MAHATTEN FISH MARKET。 我不用去做工了。被炒了。nevermind. i still love him.

前些天看好了一个房子,都妥当之后,房东把它租给了另一个人。nevermind. I still love him.

昨天去novena那边喝红豆汤,萝卜糕。跟Mummy讲 BRAZILIAN 和LDR。








nevermind, i will still love him. even satan grab all from me.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

day after day.

life always becomes bad before it turns better. 废话。



sometimes, someone suddenly occurs to ur mind without any presage.

that night, i unexpectly sms a guy:"i m hopeless""when i need u , u r not here" .. sth like that. but i just met him for once. it seems to be an oddity .. due to get drunk,though.

he asked me to call him back the next day, i did it. we began the spiel..and even his chinese poem. i can say nothing but:"sorry ,sorry , sorry" he is special. yet...

Couldnt even discern how was the feeling when i talk to him. yet, it was simply peaceful. his voice was just pleasant to hear.

anyway, someone comes to our life for a reason .Someone comes to our life for a season. just welcome all .

Frankly,sometimes Rachel needs a harber front to berth. a voice to hear at night b4 sleep.and a stroke on hair when bleeding tears.

I m going to move to another house. still looking for area. Ray is going to Austrilia? Let it be. I believe she is blessed in whatever decision made finally.

G will arrive in China this coming Saturday, meaning that i wont see her for 2 weeks. I HAVE A STRONG FAITH IN HER, and a bit concern. She is one of my precious friend. I wish i could catch your tears. every droplet... That SH. i am speechless. My Jesus father Christ!!!

Rita, she is forever my beloved jie jie. I dont care whether she does not show up frequently. I know she knows I know her..

good night. . sleep tight.

Thursday, May 7, 2009






这个东西要找到对的人或事投注自己的信念才是对的。不然都是徒劳的。但我坚信把信念放在人身上就是不靠普。无论他是谁。爸那天跟我说:“宇飞,如果有一天我死了,你能活下去么?你能养大你妹妹,照顾你妈妈么? ”我沉默之后只说了一句:“你别死” 连我爸都只是陪我走过人生的一段路而已。


一撇一捺,相互扶持。一定要依附着什么。不然就垮了。因为人是群居动物。一个人活在世界上也没有意义。不过还好我有信仰。会找到最光明的源头。明白不是一个人奋斗。身边的 朋友是总会在你身边呵护的心灵鸡汤。远方的声音有时也只是远水灭不了近火。


开心MY smile is free.我可以笑着哭。可以嘶哑的唱着“突然好想你”然后上气不接下气。我可以跟一折说“我好想他” 一折说“宝贝你们的爱还在,我的爱已经不在了” 我和她都有一个共同点就是我们都在等,她不知道什么时候才能忘掉这个人。而我是不知道什么时候才能开始和这个人一起开始生活。 于是我们抱头痛哭。










Friday, May 1, 2009

First of May. COOL CARE night.Relationship with GOD will never breakup,

Pastor Richard--Daddy R

Dear G & S. ---2 rOckets to the universe , hey wait for Rachel.

free style as always. I love u . S

G . me,jie jie Rita. who has been praying for me every morning at 8.15 am after i commit myself.

I brought my beloved friends Staphanie, Georgina, Ray TO COOL CARE night. which is a event held once per month by Seeker service in Qweens Condominium

There is nothing i wanna clarify. The first time I did this. 2nd time I share Testimony.

Dear, I appologize I had ever thought about let some of u go.

Today I m good coz I have u all. Besides, I can experience what is present from G.

Dear , I know..

It needs tremendous faith to believe.

It is a significant shock to acknowledge something/someone we did not touch before.

As time flies, we realize, there are something we can`t explain. e.g. we are whole in physical form, but others are not. what we can do is just surrender toour life.

It seems to be pityful to examine every single phenomenon by human logical mindset.For it is a fake source ... self boasting is worthless.

Dear, There is "Forever". not flesh but souls.

I will catch u when you fall.

At least I will try. I dare to try for u .

Give urself a chance. Make a covernent with yourself and Dont let it go.

I hope u all can say "YES" instead of "NO" ,surly. but yet, only say "YES" when u really want to.

Do not be afraid, for u are the decision maker. whether U can get the truth or u suffer. there is nobody can be implicated for u . U must take it alone.

The hole in every human`s heart. what to Fulfill the hole is a multiple choice.

desire. alcohol. sex abuse.murder.

there is nothing in the world is so-called "have no choice" but all about ur preference.

why try all these above instead of a spiritual supportors. Somemore he is the creator.

Stand up. NO more fall.

Pray, NO more curse.

Dwell Peace in, NO worries.

what r we looking for?

what r we waiting for?

He is right here.

It is not u are not ready. It is u didnt realize u are ready. u let something else to delay your answer.

It is not he is not coming to u , but u didnt notice his drawing near.

It is not he has never come but u dont know what he looks like

He touched u, but u take for granted. Like what i was doing before.

miracles happen when we believe.

hey Pretty girls. We can live as the way we want. yet can still be the way in rightousness.

we can make bedroom messy, yet, we can put every stuff in right order.

The former is easy but the latter is hard. coz u must pay the price.

I wish my homing pigeon can bring the letter to u .

Life is simple if we know what is right and what is wrong.

But it is not, we are struggling coz we do not have the knowledge to tell which is the right answer.

However, the answer will be released to u if u believe and stay there silently to hear.

By all means, I m blessed and I m gonna to be a blessing to u all, my dear.

PS. I m a small channel. There r countless channels beside me.